Friday, February 25, 2011

When Pink is shocking

For those of you who know me, I've been a self-described tom boy for my entire life. I wear baseball hats, would much rather sit in a bar and watch a sports game than go shopping, can make a trucker blush with my language on a bad day, have no issues with getting dirty, etc. So knowing all of this, I shocked my husband & friends last year when I bought a pink laptop. Pink. Completely Girly Pink. I don't know what happened, but sometime in the past few years, I finally appreciated that pale color associated with girlishness. So today's post concerns things that remind people that I still possess that extra special female chromosome....

1. Handbags, Shoes, Accessories: I have a weakness for bags, shoes, scarves, necklaces, bracelets, etc. If I could, I would have a different pair of sandals for each day of summer, and a bag to match all of them. And if my back wasn't destroyed from riding horses, mucking stalls, and playing sports for the majority of my life, I would have a pair of funky heels for each day also. True Story.

2.  Clothes: I love clothes! I just hate to shop, so online stores have been a true gift in my opinion, though maybe not to our bank account at times.

3. Chick Flicks: Though I can't do the Nicholas Sparks movies, I always get sucked in to all Julia Roberts, Jennifer Aniston, Meg Ryan, Helen Hunt movies. And yes, when appropriate, I do cry.

4. Martha Stewart: Yep. There you go, I have publicly admitted my admiration for Martha. I would love to be able to make our own Christmas tree look like the one in the White 20 minutes-damn how does she do that?!

5. VW Convertibles: Yes, I not so secretly would love to have a convertible VW bug.

6. Girls Night Out &/or Weekends: Though I don't get along with many women (I'm told I'm intimidating--whatever) I do have a handful of Besties (yeah, I just used that word.) whom I love to have dinner with, go dancing, and just general 'girl talk.' The bonus is that they are all just as intimidating as I am, so we spend a good amount of time being catty and talking about other women.


  1. As if our crazy similarities to Dad didn't already, I think this post definitely proves that we are sisters... except for the VW. I think that's just a little too girly for me.

    Love the blog!!!
    -The other JHC

  2. To the Other JHC:

    Truth! And I could be convinced about the Bug, but I saw one that day with the top down & felt pangs of wanting one:)
