Monday, February 13, 2012


Happy Monday! Yeah, I know, it's an oxymoron, but as it is my day off, just humor me. After another crazy busy weekend at work, hosting hordes of craft beer seekers and drinkers, it's kinda nice to just sit at my kitchen table and dump my brain onto the page to amuse all 40 of you readers. So, here are some trivial observations over the past week (or maybe 2 weeks--the days have all run into another at this point.):

One of my co-workers pointed out to me this week that when asked a question, I number my responses. Well, yeah, I do. And here's why:

1.) I like to completely justify, verify, clarify or any other "-fy" my answers.

2.) As quirky as I am, and Squirrel, I am logic based and typically, there are at least 2 reasons/answers to a presented question.

3.) Due to the quirk and the squirrel, I tend to digress and get lost in some new point and forget the original question. The numbering of my responses at least attempts to keep me on track.

However, more interestingly, after working with me for almost 2 straight weeks, guess who started to number his responses? Yeah, I'm such a damn trend setter and well, c'mon I am just that cool (read sarcasm font here.)

Also, when it comes to language, specifically dialects and accents, I'm a damn sponge. But along the way, I have also picked up other's phrases. Well, one of my other co-workers picked up one of my frequently used phrases this week....and for some of you out there, no, it was not "Fuck My Life." which is a favorite amongst the JHC library. No, it's "Great Googily Moogily!" Yep, benign, even "G" rated (see I can actually say something without using 'Fuck.')

It's been stated that imitation is a form of flattery, eh, maybe. I see it as more of a gelling of personalities and the creation of inside jokes, which isn't that just a part of solidifying a bond?! Whether co-worker, friendship, relationship or any other moment when humans bond, we tend to adopt other's gestures, phrases, tastes, etc. And simply, I think we find something that we like and we take it and incorporate it into our lives. Several examples:

1.) Shit to My Ass: a former co-worker and adorable good friend said this. After working & hanging out with him for years, I adopted it & it morphed into "Shite to me arse." Yep, I still say it--16 years later.

2.) Holy Hannah: A former riding student and friend got me saying this one. Part of why I think I picked it up was the fact that my "G" & "PG" rated phrases were lacking--they still are.

3.)Water: Who knew such a basic word could cause such an up roar? When I was a freshman at PSU, my accent was ripped apart--mainly for the word "water." Yeah, being from the Philly area, I grew up calling it 'wooder.' I adopted the more mainstream version and say 'water' now and have for 20 years. Funny side note though (here's my squirrel moment): the same co-worker who has had so much fun calling to attention my numbering of thoughts, is from Philly as well, which I knew immediately due to his pronunciation of 'wooder.' So go ahead, friend, and make fun of my numbering of answers, as I will call out each and every moment of 'wooder.'..and each time you number your answers.

Enjoy the week, kids! Drink well, love well, and smile.

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