It's been a little while since the last post and a lot has been going on in the world of JHC. And a lot will be changing. So here is the highlights reel of the past 2 months:
1.) New Job: As most of you know, I now work at Port City Brewing. It's a great place to work with great people and great world class beer. So yeah, I have an awesome work environment and deal with an awesome product. It's been a long time coming and I am quite excited about the future.
2.) Football: A few posts back, I railed on the NFL. I still do, but it's been a great season so far with surprises, key injuries, and dramatic wins and losses. I'll keep it on the tele for the rest of the season.
3.) SportsNight: A friend had told me that the 2 seasons of the show were on Netflix. Great! However, when it only took me 2 1/2 days to watch the first season, I think I became a bit obsessed. Yet, as awesome as it has been to reconnect with the show and sit in awe of the writing and acting, I'm a bit melancholy that ABC couldn't acknowledge the audience that the show had, as well as the fact that there are very few shows out right now with as great of writing. Feel free to discuss and argue.
4.) Novel: I got stuck. It's still there and I want to write more, really, I do. But, I'm at a mental moment of looking into the Amazon Rain Forest without a machete or guide. It may turn into something else, and that would be fine, I just want it to move on.
5.) Smoking: Well, it's time to quit. I don't want to, but I'm 37 and it's selfish, and I would like to stay around longer than what I would if I continued to inhale. So come November 1st, I'm attempting for the first time, in well let's just say a really long time, to quit. Quite frankly, I am terrified and dreading it. But, my mom just quit after smoking for several decades, so I can too. This is where I dig my fingernails into the door jam and say you can't make me and I whine--a lot. But, yes, I will make the most valiant and committed attempt to begin a nicotine free life.
Hope that all of you are well, are enjoying the Fall & getting ready for the onslaught of holidays. Cheers!